Cervical Traction Devices are designed to provide convenient pain relief from home. Desk jobs, in particular, contribute to workers experiencing chronic neck and back pain due to hours in front of a computer with poor posture. Cervical traction is an easy option to combat tight, stiff necks and lower back pain. Individuals who have headaches and neck discomfort from the daily grind can use a neck stretching device at home and use it at their leis
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Surgical Appliance
Inflatable Cervical Traction Unit
- Unites available individually
- Helps relieve neck, shoulder, and back pain
- Stretches and relaxes neck muscles
Highly Reviewed
Drive Medical
Drive Medical Over Door Traction Set - 13004
- Provides affordable neck traction and decompression
- Over-the-door design
- Durably built
Best in Class
Pain Management Technologies
Theratrac Pneumatic Cervical Traction Unit
- 30 lbs. inflation pressure
- Helps stretch muscles and relieve pain
- Helps realign vertebrae discs
3 Items
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